Their is almost always a Rodeo going on each weekend in Southeast Idaho during the summer! See our Events page for Rodeo dates.
Famous Preston Night Rodeo First weekend of August, Thurs. through Sat.
Idaho State University Bengal Roundup Rodeo at Bannock County Events Center in Pocatello.
Fort Hall Indian Rodeo
All-Indian Rodeo and Indian Pony Relay Races
2nd weekend of August.
Toll Free:1-800-806-9229
Marsh Valley Pioneer Days Rodeo in McCammon Mid July in McCammon
County Fair Rodeos
Bannock County Fair Rodeo in Downey in August
Caribou County Fair PRCA Rodeo in Grace in July
Malad County Fair Rodeo in August
Area High School Rodeo Schedules
District 8 High School Rodeos – Bear Lake, Caribou, Great Basin, Marsh Valley, Malad High Schools
District 4 High School Rodeos – Aberdeen, American Falls, Century, Highland, Pocatello, Snake River, Sho-Ban High Schools
Bancroft Rodeo middle of July